Michelle Lapointe

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Protecciones de Acción Diferida para la Aplicación de la Ley Laboral: Una Guía para Quienes Defienden los Derechos Laborales

Protecciones de Acción Diferida para la Aplicación de la Ley Laboral: Una Guía para Quienes Defienden los Derechos Laborales

Oct 23, 2023 Esta Guía pretende ser un recurso para organizadores y abogados de derechos de los trabajadores que estén evaluando cómo las protecciones de acción diferida podrían ortalecer los esfuerzos de los trabajadores inmigrantes para combatir el...

Deferred Action Protections for Labor Enforcement: A Guide for Worker Advocates

Deferred Action Protections for Labor Enforcement: A Guide for Worker Advocates

Oct 23, 2023 This guide provides an overview of deferred action protections based on labor disputes, including information on eligibility criteria; how to seek support from a labor agency; and the five main steps in the process. This resource was created in...

Two Years After Deadly Nitrogen Leak at Georgia Poultry Plant, A Big Step Forward to Protect Immigrant Workers Reporting Labor Abuses

Two Years After Deadly Nitrogen Leak at Georgia Poultry Plant, A Big Step Forward to Protect Immigrant Workers Reporting Labor Abuses

Shelly Anand, Michelle Lapointe, and Alessandra Stevens + 1 more

Jan 27, 2023 Two years ago, on January 28, 2021, Gainesville, Georgia was the site of a tragic and entirely preventable liquid nitrogen leak at a poultry plant, which killed six workers. In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, traumatized immigrant...