Apr 26, 2023 This updated bill is a critical step forward in creating safe and just workplaces by providing labor protections and building worker power.

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In March 2023, Reps. Judy Chu (CA-28) and Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) re-introduced the Protect Our Workers from Exploitation and Retaliation (POWER) Act (H.R.1828).

Too often, when immigrant workers assert their labor or civil rights or organize for better working conditions, they face threats of immigration enforcement from unscrupulous employers seeking to silence them. This retaliation undercuts workers’ ability to enforce their rights and results in more dangerous workplaces and lower wages for all workers.

Although DHS announced a process to streamline and expedite deferred action requests of immigrant workers involved in labor agency investigations and enforcement in January of this year, this process provides only temporary protection, with no path to permanent status. The POWER Act is the next step to strengthen and broaden protections to immigrant workers to ensure that our labor laws are upheld consistently.

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