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La Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (Affordable Care Act, ACA) creó mercados de salud a nivel estatal y federal, donde los individuos elegibles pueden comprar planes de salud privados y recibir subsidios para ayudar a pagar las primas mensuales y otros gastos. Los planes de salud disponibles en estos mercados se clasifican como de bronce, plata, oro y platino, dependiendo de cómo los planes y los individuos cubiertos comparten el costo del cuidado de salud. Los subsidios se basan en el nivel de ingreso y se administran a través del sistema tributario.
Los inmigrantes presentes legalmente en EE. UU. generalmente son elegibles para participar en los mercados y recibir subsidios, con algunas excepciones. Este documento da una breve reseña de la elegibilidad para participar en los mercados de salud y cómo se verifica la misma.
Ver MásDACA Recipients Defend Access to Affordable Health Care in Court
Sep 20, 2024 Bismarck, North Dakota – CASA, on behalf of its members, and Dania Quezada, a third-year law student with DACA at the University of Washington are seeking to intervene in a federal lawsuit challenging the Biden administration’s regulation...
Kansas v. United States
NILC is defending the Biden administration’s regulation allowing DACA recipients to access coverage through the Affordable Care Act against a lawsuit brought by Kansas and 18 other...
Last update: Sep 24, 2024
NILC Celebrates the House Passage of the SPEAK Act
Sep 18, 2024 WASHINGTON — Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. House of Representatives’ bipartisan passage of the Supporting Patient Education And Knowledge (SPEAK) Act,...
State Health Care Expansions – A Powerful Tool for Reducing Poverty
Gabrielle Lessard
Sep 23, 2024 Momentum continues for states to expand access to health care coverage and services for their residents, regardless of their immigration status.