Legacy Giving

One of the most lasting ways to support the National Immigration Law Center’s work is to include us in your estate plans. As you make your legacy plans, consider including the National Immigration Law Center in your will or living trust, or naming us as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy, retirement account, brokerage, or savings accounts.

We’ve partnered with FreeWill to make it quick and easy to include NILC in your estate plans. Click here to write a legal will at no personal cost and create a legacy to support future generations of immigrants and their families. We strongly encourage you to speak with an attorney as you make your estate plans.

Have you already included a gift in your will or trust to NILC? Please take a minute to fill out this form, so we can thank you for your lasting commitment, and ensure our records are up-to-date!

For more information on planned giving, contact Acasia Flores at [email protected].