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Vote No on Any Anti-Immigrant Amendments Added to the Budget Reconciliation Bill

Dear Senator,

As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to vote NO on any anti-immigrant amendments that are added to the budget reconciliation legislation, including any amendment that would codify the cruel Title 42 expulsion order. It’s critical that Democrats stand united and vote no on poison pill amendments that threaten the passage of historic healthcare and climate legislation.

Senators must vote to protect immigrants and vote NO on amendments that would harm immigrant communities or undermine our progress toward building a 21st immigration system.

Anti-immigrant policies like Title 42 put vulnerable people in harm’s way, continue a disorderly system that causes chaos, and fuel violence. These policies have dangerous, even deadly, consequences for our most vulnerable populations.

Once again, I urge you to protect and defend immigrant communities. These anti-immigrant amendments will have serious, long-term consequences for future government policies and civil society.

Thank you,
