Executive Order Banning Certain Refugees and Immigrants
Hameed Khalid Darweesh, et al. v. Donald Trump, et al.
Briefs, Memos, and Orders Filed with/Issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York (from latest to earliest):
- Settlement Agreement (signed 8/31/17, PDF)
- Transcript of Civil Cause for Status Conference before the Honorable Carol B. Amon, U.S. District Judge (filed 2/2/17, PDF)
- White House memorandum: Authoritative Guidance on Executive Order Entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” (Jan. 27, 2017) (filed 2/1/17, PDF)
- Emergency Motion for Clarification and Enforcement of Order (filed 1/29/17, PDF)
- Notice Re. Emergency Motion for Clarification and to Enforce (filed 1/29/17, PDF)
- Decision and Order: Stay of Removal (filed 1/28/17, PDF)
The respondents et al. are “enjoined and restrained from … removing individuals with refugee applications approved by [USCIS] as part of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, holders of valid immigrant and non-immigrant visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen legally authorized to enter the U.S.” - Transcript of Civil Cause for Emergency Motion for Stay of Removal before the Honorable Ann M. Donnelly, U.S. District Judge (filed 1/28/17, PDF)
- Petitioners’ Motion for Class Certification or Representative Habeas Action (filed 1/28/17, PDF)
- Exhibit A: Executive Order of January 27, 2017 (PDF)
- Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus and Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (filed 1/28/17, PDF)
• Government Settles in First Lawsuit Filed Against Trump’s Muslim Ban (8/31/17)
• Federal Court Orders U.S. Government to Allow Refugees and Others Impacted by Trump Immigration Order to Stay (1/28/17)
• First Lawsuit Filed Challenging Trump’s Order Banning Refugees from the United States (1/28/17)
• Federal Court Orders U.S. Government to Allow Refugees and Others Impacted by Trump Immigration Order to Stay (1/28/17)
• First Lawsuit Filed Challenging Trump’s Order Banning Refugees from the United States (1/28/17)