FAQs About S. 744

FAQs About S. 744

Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013

The Senate Immigration Reform Bill
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria del Senado

Answers to questions that you might have now that S. 744 has passed the U.S. Senate (on June 27, 2013), though it has not yet been taken up by the House of Representatives.


Do Aspiring Citizens Have Access to Affordable Health Care & Benefits Under S. 744?

This FAQ addresses commonly asked questions about who would be eligible for affordable health care and federal public benefits if the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 (S. 744) were to become law. What affordable health care coverage or federal public benefits would people granted one of the new statuses created by the bill be eligible for? Or how long would they have to wait to be eligible for such care or benefits?

Immigration Reform 2013-2014: Background and General Information
Workers’ Rights in Immigration Reform
• Health Care in Immigration Reform
NILC Statements Submitted for Immigr. Reform-related Congressional Hearings

Protect yourself against fraud!

Read our FAQ about S. 744, the immigration reform bill that has passed the Senate but is not yet law.

¡Protéjase contra el fraude!

Lea nuestras “preguntas frecuentes” sobre S. 744, el proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria que fue aprobado por el Senado pero que todavía no es ley.

Lea también este folleto preparado por la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México.