Model Campus Safe Zones Resolution Language (College)

Model Campus Safe Zones Resolution Language (Colleges & Universities)

DECEMBER 2016 | Download PDF | Download Word file
Or see model language for K–12

The Model Campus Safe Zones Resolution language available to download from this page (see links, above) was developed for individual colleges/universities or college/university systems that are contemplating adopting protections for their immigrant students.  We recommend that any resolution contain language to address these critical issues:

  • Limiting the sharing of student information with federal immigration authorities
  • Restricting immigration agents’ access to campuses
  • Prohibiting campus security from collaborating with federal immigration authorities for the purposes of enforcement
  • Providing resources and information for immigrant students and their families

The model resolution provides sample language for these issues.  We encourage you to use this language as a template and to adopt as many pieces to fit the needs of your college/university or system. We also encourage you to add additional points beyond what is in this resolution and to share your creative and innovative ideas with us.